General introduction to Structural Laboratory
23/08/2020 22:34
1/ General introduction
Name of laboratory: Structural Laboratory
Address: Room G104; G105, University of Science and Technology
Unit / Manager: Faculty of Civil Engineering / Le Xuan Dung
2/ Function, mission
The Laboratory of Faculty of Civil Engineering includes four main functional rooms (structural laboratory, curing room, the teaching room and laboratory staff room) with a total area of 280m2. The main functions of the laboratory are to teach students, scientific research of lecturers and students specialized in civil engineering. Currently, the Laboratory has been participating in many domestic and international research and technology transfer activities.
3/ Activities for training, scientific research and production
Serve practice experiments and scientific research for students of FCE.
Serving topics of science research & technology transfer in the construction field in the country and abroad.
Serving for the quality testing of materials, construction structures.
Serve practice experiments and scientific research for Masters student and PhD student specialized in Civil & Industrial Construction.