XJV Program
08/08/2020 14:48
The XJV program is an educational collaboration program between the Faculty of Civil Engineering at UD-UST and three Japanese universities including Nagaoka University of Technology, Gifu University and the Toyohashi University of Technology. This program has been established since 2006 to attract outstanding students at FCE by offering an excellent opportunity to receive a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Japan.
This program is divided into two stages, including Stage 1 (2.5 years) and Stage 2 (2 years). In Stage 1, students are required to complete fundamental engineering subjects at FCE and a Japanese course. In Stage 2, qualified students will be transferred to three mentioned universities in Japan, and they are expected to become the leading engineers with proficient Japanese language and skills.
For further details of this program, please contact:
Bui Quang Hieu, PhD
Structural Division, Faculty of Civil Engineering
Univ. of Science and Technology, The Univ. of Danang
54 Nguyen Luong Bang, Hoa Khanh Bac, Lien Chieu, Danang, Vietnam
Tel: +84 918 098406
Email: bqhieu@dut.udn.vn