Hội thảo 4
10/05/2016 08:05
1. Programme Information
1.1. Aim and Overview
This workshop will enable academic faculty to create more opportunities in the curriculum for students to be actively engaged in the learning process. Participants will be provided with direct experience in how active and experiential learning can lead to more interesting and effective learning for students. A range of active and experiential learning methods will be demonstrated, modelled and practiced in the workshop sessions.
1.2. Programme Objectives (Deliverables)
Differentiate active and experiential learning experiences
Explain the rationale for active experiential learning experiences
Compare the effectiveness of a range of active and experiential learning activities
Produce a range of active and experiential learning activities to promote disciplinary learning outcomes and selected CDIO skills
1.3. Course Participants and Requirements
Participants should have a basic foundation in English to facilitate understanding of the workshop presentations and learning activities.
Some of the participants will be trained to be Specialist Master Trainers, who shall then train the next tier of programme participants
1.4. Course Duration
4 days
1.5. Course Provider and Facilitators
Singapore Polytechnic
1.6. Pre-Training Preparation
Reflect on your area of work and choose a Curriculum Design Project idea you want to implement, during and after the training, using “Active Experiential Learning” approach. Prepare a brief proposal with following details: 1) Project Title, 2) Who is this project for, 3) What core problem are you trying to solve, and 4) What are the challenges/opportunities in doing this project?
Read article by “FelderandBrent(1987)Active-learning-vs-covering-thesyllabus to prepare for fishbowl debate.
2. Programme Schedule
17 May 2016 – Tuesday, Day 1
18 May 2016 – Wednesday, Day 2
19 May 2016 – Thursday, Day 3
20 May 2016 –Friday, Day 4