Congratulations for Achieving AUN-QA Certificates
14/06/2021 06:54
Four undergraduate prorgams of The University of Danang - University of Science and Technology (UD-DUT) have received the Certificates for successfully completing the AUN-QA programme assessment, including program in Civil Engineering, Food Technology, Mechatronic Engineering and program in Mechanical Engineering (major in Automotive engineering). The official assessment was done in Oct 2020.
So far, there have been 13 undergraduate programs at DUT accreditted by AUN-QA organisation. List of all accreditted programs as well as certificates can be found here:
DUT is one of the very first universities to implement Institution Quality Assessment based on Quality Standards issued by the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) in October 2006. After that, internal assessment based on the MOET Assessment Standards had been carried out for 03 Technical Education programs in Electrical-Electronic, Electronic-Information Technology, Industrial Engineering in 2009.
DUT has shown great concern for Quality Assurance with early establishment of the Division of Educational Quality Assurance, upon the Decree No. 599/ĐHBK of May 16th, 2007. The Division of Testing and Quality Assurance had been formed after that, upon the Decree No. 3717/QĐ-ĐHĐN of November 06th 2008, aiming at meeting the demands of establishing the Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) System within DUT. In 2014, DUT Rector decided to reform and establish the Department of Educational Testing and Quality Assurance (DETQA) managed directly by a Vice-Rector of DUT, upon the Document No. 358/ĐHBK of December 12th, 2014. (
DUT had been assessed and accredited in 2016 by Centre for Education Accreditation - Vietnam National University to meet the National Educational Quality according to the quality standard set issued by MOET. Furthermore, DUT has been evaluated and accredited for meeting international standards by The High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCERES) for the period of 2017-2022
About UD-DUT
The University of Danang – University of Science and Technology ( since its establishment right after the National Unification Day in 1975, has always asserted its leading position in the system of higher education in Vietnam and in the region. UD-DUT is not only the center of training highly qualified human resources in science, technology, industrial management, but also the hub for scientific research and technology transfer of Central Vietnam, and of the whole country and region at large. Over the past 45 years, DUT graduates - engineers, architects, or others - have joined the labor force nationwide, making a significant contribution to the national growth and development. The scientific works and technology transfer projects conducted by DUT lecturers and students have been put into life, creating a pivotal force driving the process of national industrialization and modernization.
The unified solidarity and strong commitment of lecturers, administrative staff, students and post-graduates, combined with the achievements made for the past 45 years, have become a truly solid foundation leading us with confidence to the industrial revolution 4.0. Our goal is to become a research-oriented, innovative and creative university; develop a well-reputed graduate and post-graduate degree program, provide learners the best possible and the most professional education and scientific research environment.
Our curricula have been thoroughly and significantly renovated based on the CDIO framework and compliant with ABET student outcomes and curriculum standards. With an approach to project-based learning, apart from academic and professional knowledge, students are equipped with foreign language competence and necessary skills such as complex problem-solving skill, critical thinking, creativeness, entrepreneurship in order to enhance employability and start-up potentials after graduation together with the ability to join in highly competitive labor markets in Vietnam, ASEAN and worldwide.
The University now consists of 14 Faculties, 08 Administration Departments, 02 Institute, 01 Learning Resource and Communication Center, 01 Division of Specialized Foreign Languages, 01 Division of Information Technology, 11 Centers of Scientific Research and Technology Transfer ( With standardizing requirements on education quality, the University has established Quality Assurance Councils at University and Faculty level, aiming to consult the University and the Faculties about quality assurance and accreditation.
Currently, the University has deployed 25 undergraduate training programs including: 25 traditional programs; 16 high quality programs; 05 international programs. Regarding post-graduate programs, 17 master programs and 16 doctorate programs have been implemented at DUT. The number of full-time undergraduate students is 14,254 including 57 Laos students. There are 748 master students and 58 doctorate students currently. There are totally 583 staff with 373 permanent lecturers, including 4 Professors and 48 Associate Professors, 216 Doctors and Doctor of Science, 153 Masters. In addition, the University has 203 teaching lecturers from other university members of UD, including 03 Professors and 15 Associate Professors, 45 Doctors and 140 Masters. The vision, mission, educational philosophy and development strategy of the University are as follows:
- Vision of the University: By 2035, The University of Danang - University of Science and Technology is a research-based university with international recognition and proactive cooperation in the global world for solving national and international socio-economic challenges.
- Mission of the University: Being a higher education institution providing high-quality human resources, capable of innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship in the fields of engineering - technology; promoting research and technology transfer for sustainable socio-economic development regionwide, nationwide and worldwide.
- Educational philosophy of the University: “Thinking, Creating and Humanity Cherishing”.
- Core values of the University: Quality and Professionalism - Innovative and Creativeness - Humanity and Integrity.