Workshop “Program objectives and expected learning outcomes of Architecture”
20/07/2018 08:33
In 20th July, 2018 Faculty of Architecture – DUT organized the workshop "PROGRAM OBJECTIVES AND EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES" under the chairmanship of Dr. Nguyen Hong Ngoc - Dean of Faculty of Architecture. The workshop was attended by representatives from businesses in Da Nang City.

Based on opinions of delegates and personal opinions, it can be summarized as follows:
+ Each training program needs to have identity, the building of the Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) is not the copy of the foreign missions into the program, the PLOs and program need to distinguish it with other programs in the world and in our country. The PLOs needs to show the nature of international integration and core values in developing the personality of the learner.
+ Architecture training needs to inspire the passion, creativity and professional responsibility. Need to improve communication skills in English for students. In addition, the business should have a bigger role, be responsible to the Faculty in training.