Sakura program - Exchange science and Technology between University of Science and Technology, the University of Da nang, Viet Nam and University of Fukui, Japan
04/05/2017 14:13
Promoting the development of science and technology to create the sustainable development between Asia countries and Japan is the main purpose of Sakura Exchange Science. Based on the definition - Exchange Science of Youth Researchers of Asia and Japan- Sakura Science Program has provided an opportunity for Assian young Researcher a short visit at Japan to create a good relationship between Industry - Academia - Goverment. Furthermore, it also creates the interest toward science and technology at institutes, research centers and universities at Japan.
The short visit from 14th to 24th January 2017 at University of Fukui, Japan had the participant of four young lecturers with different sectors of Faculty of Chemical Engineering, University of Science and Technology, The University of Da Nang, Viet Nam and young researchers and lecturers at Indonesia and China.
At Fukui prefecture, young lecturers of Vietnam had participated in exchange science and technology with professors at Technology Faculty, University of Fukui, experts at Research Centers,

Participated in Nanofiber by electrospinning lecture

Participated in antibiotics experiment

A memory photo of young researchers of Sakura program and students at bio-probes laboratory
Beside that, the members of Sakura program had also opportunity to visit Transfer Technology Insitute of Fukui, Miso product factory, Sake wine factory, Research Center of Nicca Company at Fukui Prefecture.

A memory photo of Sakura members at Industrial Research Institute of Fukui

Seeing some research products of Industrial Research Institute of Fukui

Sakura members listened to the introduction of method to produce traditional Miso of Japan

Visit Sake product factory
The lecturers of Viet Nam had introduced University of Science and Technology, The University of Da Nang and informed the research results and research interest to professors, undergraduate and graduate students of Technology Faculty, University of Fukui at research seminar at 18th January 2017

Dr. Le Ly Thuy Tram presented her research results

A memory photo at Workshop
All members of Sakura program had participaed in culture exchange, study of Japanese culture and history, visit Dinosaur Museum of Fukui.

Japanese traditional clothes show

Visit historical museum of Fukui

A memory photo in front of Dinosaur Museum
Finishing the short visit in Sakura Program, all of members in Sakura Programs are impressive with culture, hospitality and friendly of Japanese people, especially, science and technology. The lecturers of Viet Nam had a successfull visit and consolidated a good image of science and education of Viet Nam to Asian young researchers. Thanks Science and Technology Ministry of Japan which provided fund for this program. In addition, Vietnamese lectures thank Professor. Dr. Shin-ichiro Suye at Fukui University who took care this program.

A memory photo of Sakura members, professors and students at Technology Faculty, University of Fukui