AUN E-Newsletter
Issue #8
QA experts discuss quality assurance for online and distance learning in SHARE webinar
QA experts, including AUN-QA Technical Team's Johnson Ong Chee Bin, discussed quality assurance in the COVID and post-COVID era as part of a webinar series organized by EU-SHARE. E-assessments and quality assurance for online learning were among the topics discussed.
Link to the full session can be found in the full article.
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A quick chat with the last pre-corona AUN intern
Mr. Muhammad Azim bin Anuar from Universiti Brunei Darussalam was the last on-site intern at the AUN before Thailand went into lockdown to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. After safely returning home, Azim resumed his internship with us from home through a virtual internship program. We invited him to share his unique experiences with the AUN internship program.
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Transitioning to Virtual Exchange Programs in the Post-Corona Sphere
Chihiro Aita, an AUN intern from Macalester College, shares her opinions on the suspension of student mobility programs amid the COVID-19 pandemic, what it means for students, and how universities can take advantage of the unique circumstances to provide even better experiences in spite of the hardships.
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AUN-QA Emblem design philosophy explained
The encasing oval, the color scheme, the hourglass, and the addition of the AUN logo to original logo to form the new emblem are explained. Discover the meanings behind these symbols and how they seek to encapsulate the soul of AUN-QA.
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Office of the AUN Secretariat
17th Floor, Chaloem Rajakumari 60 Building,
Chulalongkorn University,
Phayathai Road, Bangkok 10330, Thailand