Three students of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering who have been in unfavourable circumstances were given laptop

20/08/2020 03:34

On August 20th, 2020, Nguyen Kim Trading Joint Stock Company sponsored and distributed 30 laptops worth VND 375 million to DUT students who have been in unfavorable circumstances. In the list of students who received the computer, three students from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering were given these special gifts. These gifts were very meaningful for them as they will help them learn more conveniently, especially in the period when all DUT students have to study online due to the adverse impact of Covid-19 in the city of Da Nang.

Figure 1: Representative of Nguyen Kim Trading Joint Stock Company gave gifts to the school's representative, Rector Doan Quang Vinh. (Source: Student Affairs Department - Da Nang University of Technology)

This is the list of three students from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering who received the laptop

1. Duong Van Tung, 19KTHH2 class.

2. Phan Thi Thu Ha, 18SH class.

3. Tran Thi Kim Chi, 18H2A class. 

All three students of the Faculty who received scholarships, despite their difficult family circumstances, have continuously strived with their academic results and have achieved excellent results in the last academic year. After being informed about being received laptops, they sincerely shared about themselves as well as thank the sponsor of this scholarship program.

Duong Van Tung from 19KTHH2 class (Chemical Engineering Department) shared his feeling:

“After receiving the notification that I would be given a computer to use for studying, I felt very happy and delighted. This award will help me a lot in the new semester and it is especially a spiritual gift that encourages me to try and make more efforts in studying. After much effort, I eventually had the opportunity to receive the scholarship that I had desired for too long. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Nguyen Kim company, the Faculty of Chemical Engineering - Da Nang University of Technology and Science, thank you for giving me this such meaningful reward”.

Thu Ha, from class 17SH (Biotechnology Department), said: “I was really happy and grateful to know that I was one of the lucky ones to receive this valuable gift. This gift came while I was in desperate need, so it would help me a lot in my upcoming study journey, especially in this online learning season due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic”.

I would also like to express my sincere thanks to sponsor Nguyen Kim for accompanying and helping students like us in this such adverse pandemic. Thank you to the Student Affairs Department, the Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering for taking care of me, meanwhile I knew that the department also had many other friends who had been in difficult circumstances. And also a word of thanks to my lecturer - Hieu who enthusiastically guided me to complete the procedures, thank you! ".

Kim Chi, from class 18H2A (Food Technology Department), briefly shared “Words can’t express how grateful I was for your support. Without the scholarship, I didn’t know when I would have a chance to have a computer for studying. I was about to come to the third academic year, when it was necessary to have a computer, I was very worried before receiving the scholarship. I would use it effectively. I sincerely thank the lecturers of the Faculty, the school and the sponsoring company Nguyen Kim”.

Through their sincere sharing, we can feel their joy and gratitude for the meaningful sponsorship program of Nguyen Kim Company. The gift not only brings material advantages but also brings great moral values to continue encouraging and motivating students in difficult circumstances to overcome all obstacles, and relentlessly striving to become a good student, a good citizen. The gifts also came in the difficult period of Da Nang city due to the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic, so it became even more meaningful. Last but not least, we would like to sincerely thank the sponsor of Nguyen Kim Trading Joint Stock and Da Nang University of Technology for running such a meaningful humanitarian program for students of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and DUT students as well.

Source: FCE Youth Union - Nguyen Hoang Trung Hieu