Opening ceremony of the learning and exchange program under the International Sustainable Development project in 2020
06/01/2020 04:09
This program starts from 2019 and continue until 2023, in each session, there will be about 20 students and lecturers participating and this will last for 2 weeks.
Picture of the opening ceremony of ISP2020
This year, the program will take place from January 6, 2020, to January 18, 2020. Participants will be divided into small groups from 6 to 8 students (50% of DUT students, 50% of SUT students), groups of students will perform 3 topics sequentially:
- Topic 1: Recommended by students participating in ISP 2020 to Polytechnic University, UD.
- Topic 2: Proposing ideas on minimizing waste on the campus of Polytechnic University, UD.
- Topic 3: Poster presentation on issues in Sustainable Development.
SUT students visit the Petrochemical laboratory of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Commemorative photo of the ISP 2020 Program