Recruitment for the Learning Express stage 2

11/01/2017 13:53

1. Purpose:

  • To choose students who are capable enough.
  • To create a dynamic enviroment for studying via solving different issues in real life through reaching technology in order to commercialize solutions of students.
  • Students can experience different cultures when working with international students. To establish “Learning Express” community with educater in South East Asia and companions of Singapore Polytechniques.

2. Number: 25 students

  • Location: Lien Chieu and Hoa Vang districts, Da Nang city: Nam O village and Hoa Son village.
  • Time: 2 weeks: from 09.03.2017 to 23.03.2017
  • Department of study facilitates students of schedule at university.

3. Expenditure:

Singapore Polytechniques will fund for everything: eating, travelling in 14 days.

4. Requirement:

  • English capability.
  • Communication skills
  • Awareness skills.
  • Connection skills.
  • Ability to get through difficulty.

5. Application form:

  • Application to participate and guarantee full 14 days.
  • Copies of certificates of english and achievement of social ativities.
  • Time: from the day of annoucement to before 10h 17.01.2017
  • Location: Union office, A13

6. Interview:

  • Time: 8h30 18.01.2017

Location: Union office, A139