Civil Engineering – Major in Construction Informatics

09/01/2023 16:40


     Civil Engineering - Construction Informatics is a 130-180 credits training program that is designed with output standards based on the world's most advanced approach.


Graduates of the Engineering program will have:

  1. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering in conjunction with information technology applications in the field of construction to analyze, design, construct, manage operations, and effectively solve problems involving new techniques and complex technology while meeting standards and requirements in the areas of health, safety, the environment, and the economy - society;
    2. Ability to think critically and creatively, as well as start a business;
  2. Ability to adapt and self-direct career; professional behavior;
    4. Ability to work in a team; impart knowledge;
    5. Ability to use foreign languages fluently in the field of construction; a foreign language level of TOEIC 600 or equivalent;
    6. Basic information technology skills according to current regulations (currently Circular No. 03/2014/TT-BTTTT); information technology skills in specialized problems in the field of construction;
    7. Organizational and management skills; capable of using information technology to effectively manage and improve construction activities.

     Graduates of the bachelor's program will have:

  1. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, basic science, technology, and engineering in the analysis, design, construction, operation, evaluation, and research of construction problems, as well as the application of information technology in construction;
  2. Critical, creative, and entrepreneurial thinking;
  3. Ethics, professional responsibility, and professional behavior;
  4. Teamwork and effective communication skills;
  5. Ability to use foreign languages in the construction; TOEIC 450 or equivalent foreign language level;
  6. Basic information technology skills in accordance with current regulations (currently Circular No. 03/2014/TT-BTTTT); information technology skills in specialized construction problems.
  7. The ability to generate ideas and use information technology to create designs, plan, manage, and operate construction processes in the context of business, society, and the environment.


Students can finish the Civil Engineering - Construction Informatics program in 4 to 5.5 years. Time required to complete general and fundamental knowledge: 2.5 to 3 years. The specialized knowledge and graduation project will be completed in 1.5 to 2.5 years.


     After graduation, students majoring in Civil Engineering - Construction Informatics have a lot of job opportunities (nearly 100 percent according to December 2019 statistics).


     Graduates can work at:

- Construction departments, branches, management boards, and state management units;

- Construction corporations, consulting, design, and construction units;

- Software development companies, information technology development and application departments;

- Auditing firms, financial consulting, insurance, banks, and so on.