Hydraulic Engineering

09/01/2023 16:39


  • The Hydraulic Engineering program was previously known as the Construction of Hydropower - Irrigation program at the University of Science and Technology - Da Nang. In 1976, the first course was taught. Thousands of hydraulic engineers have been trained to date, making significant contributions to nation-building, particularly in the fields of hydraulic structure, disaster prevention, water resource management, and climate change response.
  • The majority of the teaching staff hold doctorates and have extensive experience. Teachers are highly qualified, dedicated, and enthusiastic about their work.
  • Students are learning and interacting in a dynamic environment. There are many clubs with interesting and rewarding activities that help students develop soft skills and other life skills.


The Hydraulic Engineering program has 130 credits (bachelor's) or 180 credits (Engineer's). The program lasts 4 - 5.5 years and provides students with general construction knowledge as well as a specialization in Hydraulic Construction:

+ The basic knowledge block satisfies the requirements for the group of construction engineering branches.;

+ The basic and specialized knowledge blocks cover water works design, river tranning, water resource management planning, and climate change response.

+ Elective subjects assist students in orienting and selecting their future work field in a flexible manner;

+ Students' skills are practiced and expanded.

 The project-based learning method (PBL) is used extensively, assisting students in learning and developing skills. PBL will help students improve their skills to self-study, self-research, critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and present.


Graduates of the Engineering program will have:

  1. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering related to hydraulic engineering, water resource management and exploitation, and interdisciplinary construction knowledge to analyze, design, and execute construction, operation, research, evaluation, and effective resolution of new and complex technical problems in order to meet health, safety, environmental, and socio-economic standards and requirements;
    2. Ability to think critically and creatively, start a business; ethics and professional responsibility; professional behavior;
    3. Ability to adapt and self-direct career
    4. Ability to work in a team; impart knowledge and use foreign languages in their professional fields;
    5. Have a foreign language level of TOEIC 600 or equivalent; have basic skills in using Information Technology according to current regulations (currently Circular No. 03/2014/TT-BTTTT);
    6. Ability to organize, manage, and improve activities such as design, construction, and operation in the field of hydraulic engineering, water resource management,

Graduates of the bachelor's program will have:

  1. Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology in the analysis, design, construction, operation, evaluation, and research of hydraulic construction, water resource management, and exploitation problems;
    2. Ability to think critically and creatively, as well as start a business; ethics and professional responsibility; professional behavior;
    3. Ability to work in a team, communicate effectively and use foreign languages in their professional fields;
    4. A foreign language level of TOEIC 450 or equivalent; have basic skills in using Information Technology according to current regulations (currently Circular No. 03/2014/TT-BTTTT);
    5. Ability to generate ideas, plan, manage, and carry out activities in the field of hydraulic engineering, management and exploitation of water resources in the context of business, society, and the environment.


According to the survey, nearly all students majoring in Hydraulic engineering after graduation find suitable jobs or start their own businesses. Many alumni are now employed in leading research institutes, management firms, consulting firms, water works construction, and water resource planning and management. Furthermore, many undergraduate students receive scholarships to pursue master's and doctoral degrees in countries all over the world.


   After graduation, students can participate in the following positions:

- Departments and branches related to water resources, and natural disaster prevention;
- Construction project management organization
- Corporations or construction companies;
- Teaching at Universities and colleges
- Establishing an enterprise operating in the field of construction;