Admission Guidelines

16/01/2023 17:11

Threshold of entry quality assurance for undergraduate program

1. Admission is based on the own enrollment method of the University: for candidates graduating from high school in 2022 in groups

a. Group 1: Candidates who won the Consolation prize of the national excellent student competition in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Informatics; Consolation prize of the national science and technology competition. Prizes of the years: 2020, 2021,2022.

Admission score >=18.00 and no subject < 5.00.

b. Group 2: Candidates who won the First, Second, Third, and Consolation prizes at the contest for excellent students in Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Informatics at the provincial and city levels. Prizes of the years: 2020, 2021,2022

Admission score >=18.00 and no subject < 5.00.

c. Group 4: candidates studying at high schools for the gifted in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Informatics.

Subject score >= 8.00 and no subject in the selection combination < 5.00

d. Group 5: Candidates who have achieved excellent students continuously in 10th grade, 11th grade, and 1st semester of 12th grade.

e. Group 6: candidates with international language certificates SAT from 550 (points each), and ACT from 24 (point scale 36).

SAT from 550 (points per section) or ACT from 24 (scale of 36); Score>=18.00 and no subject < 5.00;

f. Group 7: Candidates with an IELTS international English certificate of 5.5 or higher (or TOEFL iBT with 64 points, TOEIC with 650 points or higher) issued within 2 years from the application deadline pre-qualification.

GPA (10th grade, 11th grade and 1st semester grade 12) in Math >= 7.00; Score>=18.00 and no subject < 5.00

2. Admission based on high school results (admission of transcripts): Candidates graduating from high school in 2022 or before 2022
GPA (10th grade, 11th grade and 1st semester grade 12); Score>=16.00 and no subject < 5.00

3. Admission is based on the results of the competency assessment exam organized by Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City: Candidates graduating from high school

The admission score threshold is lager than 600

4. Admission is based on the results of the high school exam in 2022: Candidates graduating from high school

The admission score threshold is from 15.

Threshold of entry quality assurance for master's degree

1. About Degree

Contestants satisfy one of the following conditions:

  • Having a regular undergraduate degree in the correct discipline, relevant to the major/specialty registered for the master's training exam according to current regulations;
  • Having a full-time undergraduate degree in a discipline close to the major/specialty registered for the master's level training exam and have studied additional knowledge as prescribed;
  • Having an undergraduate degree in the form of informal graduation from average grade or higher or equivalent; Those who graduate with average grade and have an additional university diploma may take the exam to enter the master's degree program in the right major, the major that is close to the undergraduate graduation major, after taking additional knowledge as prescribed.

Note: Undergraduate degrees and transcripts issued by foreign educational institutions must carry out the recognition procedures according to current regulations. In special cases, the University will organize additional courses in the training program.

b. Regarding the results of additional learning:

Candidates are required to take additional knowledge courses, candidates must register at the school and have a transcript of the subject before taking the master's exam.

List of correct majors, relevant industries, and industries close to the one for which enrollment is registered: according to the current regulations on enrollment and training at the master's level of the Ministry of Education and Training. For a list of additional courses, see details on the admissions page of the University of Danang.

c. About professional work experience

Candidates who have an undergraduate degree in the same or relevant field as a graduate major; Candidates with a degree close to the registered industry who have taken additional knowledge in accordance with regulations can register for the exam without requiring professional work experience.

In case the candidate is a foreign citizen:

  • Regarding qualifications: Satisfy the conditions for applying for a diploma similar to that of a candidate who is a Vietnamese citizen, as specified in section a.
  • International students are required to have a Vietnamese language certificate issued by a competent Vietnamese educational institution.

Threshold of entry quality assurance for PhD Degree

1. For Vietnamese

1.1. Candidates for Ph.D. training must meet the following conditions:

a. Having graduated with a master's degree or an undergraduate degree with excellent grades or higher in a relevant discipline, or graduated with the equivalent of level 7 according to the Vietnam National Qualifications Framework in a number of specialized training disciplines suitable to Ph.D training;

b. Satisfying the entry requirements according to the training program standards promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training and of the Ph.D training program registered for admission;

c. Having research experience demonstrated through the master's thesis of a research-oriented training program, or published scientific articles and reports; or have worked for 02 years (24 months) or more as lecturers or researchers of training institutions, science and technology organizations;

d. There is a draft research outline and an expected study and research plan for the whole course;

e. The University of Foreign Languages Studies only enrolls students who meet the following conditions:

Graduated with a master's degree or an excellent undergraduate degree in a relevant discipline;

Being the author of 01 articles or reports related to the field of study to be published in a scientific journal or in the proceedings of a specialized scientific conference or seminar with peer review;

Meet points b and d above in this Notice.

1.2. Candidates who are Vietnamese citizens must meet the requirements of foreign language ability as evidenced by one of the following diplomas and certificates:

a. An undergraduate degree or higher diploma issued by a foreign training institution, branch of a foreign training institution in Vietnam, or a Vietnamese training institution for full-time learners in the foreign language. outside;

b. A undergraduate degree in a foreign language major, granted by a Vietnamese training institution;

c. Having one of the foreign language certificates specified in Appendix 1 of this Notice or other foreign language certificates equivalent to level 4 (according to the 6-
level foreign language competency framework for Vietnam) issued by the Ministry of Education and Training. The announced training education is valid until the date of registration.

d. Candidates for Ph.D. training in the English language must have a certificate of a foreign language other than English at an equivalent level as prescribed at Point c of this Clause, or meet the requirements at Point a of this Clause when the language used during the study period is not English, or meet the requirements at Point b of this Clause when having an undergraduate degree in a foreign language other than English.

2. For foreigners

2.1. Admission conditions

Candidates for Ph.D training must meet the following conditions:

a. Having graduated with a master's degree or an undergraduate degree with excellent grades or higher in a relevant discipline;

b. Satisfy the entry requirements according to the training program standards promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training and of the Ph.D training program registered for admission;

c. Having research experience demonstrated through the master's thesis of a research-oriented training program, or published scientific articles and reports; or have worked for 02 years (24 months) or more as lecturers or researchers of training institutions, science and technology organizations;

d. There is a draft research outline and an expected study and research plan for the whole course;

2.2. Language conditions

Candidates must have a minimum Vietnamese certificate of level 4 or higher according to the Vietnamese Language Competency Framework for Foreigners and must meet the requirements for a second foreign language specified by the training institution in the Admission scheme, except in the case of being a native speaker of the language used in the Ph.D degree program.