International conference on Flood and sediment management in river basins for sustainable development (FSMaRT) 2022
17/05/2023 15:28
In 03 days from 18-20/12/2022, the Conference on Flood and Sediment Management in River Basin for Sustainable Development (FSMaRT) 2022 will be held at the University of Science and Technology, the University of Danang.

This is an international conference co-organized by the University of Science and Technology, the University of Danang and the Asia Pacific Regional Research Agency for Global Change; Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Japan; Japan Water Administration; Philippine Irrigation Administration; Philippine National Water Resources Management Board; Department of Dam Management and Reservoir Operations, Philippine University of Water Resources; Vietnam-Germany University; Kyoto University, Japan; Isabella University, Philippines; University of Technology, Malaysia; National Center for Planning and Investigation of Water Resources.

The conference was attended by more than 200 delegates from 8 countries. Among them are more than 50 leading scholars in the field of disaster prevention and climate change.

The workshop had 52 reports in 7 sessions, focusing on solving problems encountered at the basin level as well as reservoir operation, disaster risk reduction and sustainable development.
Especially, the conference has 5 presentations in the plenary session of leading professors from Vietnam, Japan, France, Philippines.
The purpose of this international conference is to provide a forum for researchers, scientists, and scholars from agencies, universities, and businesses to share experiences, ideas, and research on the subject. impacts of climate change and human intervention on flooding, drought, reservoir sedimentation and landslides.
In addition, this conference will also be a forum to discuss pressing practical issues taking place in river basins around the world and especially in the Vu Gia - Thu Bon river basin.
In particular, the conference focused on analyzing the causes of flooding in Quang Nam province and Da Nang city as well as proposing solutions.
The conference will take place from December 18-20, 2022. In which, on the third day of the seminar program, scientists will go on field trips to hydropower reservoirs, Vu Gia - Thu Bon river system, the current state of landslides in Quang Hue river, Cua Dai sea... to have a specific view on water resource exploitation, reservoir operation and disaster reduction.
Based on the success of the 1st FSMaRT Workshop, the organizers decided to organize the 2nd Conference in the Philippines. And on the basis of field trips, Japanese experts and organizations have decided to sponsor 2 monitoring systems for water quality, sediment for reservoirs and camera system for monitoring natural disasters in real time. for the downstream area of Vu Gia - Thu Bon river.