Event Data

21/04/2020 15:37





Nhằm hạn chế sự lây lan giữa đại dịch COVID-19 và với mục đích hỗ trợ các trường đại học trong việc thực hiện mô hình học tập trực tuyến/từ xa, Tổ chức AUN-QA kết hợp với trường đại học DEUSTO tổ chức buổi tập huấn miễn phí trực tuyến nhằm hỗ trợ các công cụ để giúp quý học viên trở thành những người hướng dẫn trực tuyến hiệu quả.

Thời gian: Ngày 22/04/2020, từ 10:00-11:00 AM (CEST) tức 15:00-16:00 giờ Việt Nam

Đăng ký: trước ngày 21/04/2020 qua link:


Thông tin tập huấn: xem tại đây

Website: http://www.aunsec.org/


In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, University of Deusto and ASEAN University Network have adjusted its classrooms to online methodologies in order to continue supporting society and students as usual. We understand that all partner universities are moving to online modalities and would like to offer our support with this task through a free of charge online training focused on how to establish remote attendance model that will allow you to continue teaching and interacting with students normally.

“Remote Attendance Learning Model” is a free webminar offered by ASEAN University Network in cooperation with the University of Deusto which focuses on the important elements to consider regarding online learning.

Universities around the world have begun transitioning towards online classes as an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19 and this may be a new undertaking for many of us here in the ASEAN region. To provide valuable information and assist in this effort, we have prepared a one-hour webinar in cooperation with the University of Deusto that will be helpful in providing our academics with the necessary tools to be effective online instructors.

The training focuses on how to establish a remote attendance learning model that will allow you to continue teaching and interact with your respective students. This course will cover the following major topics:


● The Learning Methodology

● Technology essential to online courses (Google Meet, Zoom, Loom, Twiddla (an online whiteboard and many more tools)

● Motivation and community engagement

● Student workload


Additional details can be found at www.aunsec.org or you can click to register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdEIstAHcyraq_ndqT_qrMiDaAbW282VqImWH7IdbTtfF7XDw/viewform

Please register before 21 April 2020.

We are wishing for physical and mental strength for the entire AUN family. In these difficult times, it is more important than ever to remember that it is the spirit of cooperation that will get us through this together.