Nearly 1,200 contestants participate in the Da Nang Code League 2023 programming contest
12/05/2023 08:50
The final match took place at the campus of CodeCation FPT Complex campus (Da Nang) with the participation of 45 teams, divided into three groups: engineers, technology students and students. four popular programming languages, C, C++, Java and Python 3 to solve questions of the exam. The professional council consists of lecturers from Da Nang University of Technology and technology experts with more than 10 years of experience in FPT Software.
Since 2019, FPT Software has collaborated with the Faculty of Information Technology - University of Technology to organize many programming competitions in Da Nang such as Da Nang Code War (2019-2020), Da Nang Code Tour (2021), ICPC Central and Highlands (2022). These events attract thousands of programmers and technology students thanks to their diverse formats, highly challenging exam papers supported by a team of experts, and reputable organizations in the region.
The competition creates a professional playground for the information technology community to exchange, learn and demonstrate their own capabilities.,cu%E1%BB%99c%2C%20ng%C3%A0y%206%2F5.