The mid-term meeting within the framework of the “University Governance Innovation in SouthEast Asia” project (PURSEA – Pilotage Universitaire Renové dans le Sud-Est Asiatique)
05/12/2022 05:19
From 30/11 to 02/12/2022, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh-Lam, chairman of university council, coordinator of the Univerrsity Governance Innovation in Southeast Asia project (aka., PURSEA) at the University of Danang – University of Science and Technology participated in the mid-term meeting of the project. The PURSEA project is a capacity-building project for 16 universities and research centers including 08 university in Vietnam and Cambodia. This project is supported by the Europenan Union through the European Education and Culture Executive Agency. The objective of this mid-term meeting is threefold: (i) reviewing the activities carred out within the framework of the Work Package No. 06 (WP6); (ii) brainstorming the ideas for the project’s manual; and (iii) training coordinators for the project’s financial activities. This is an opportunity for the universities involving in the project to report the implementation progress of the planned activities, difficulties encountered and feasible solutions.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Cuc Phuong – Vice Rector of Hanoi University, project coordinator

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Doan Quang Vinh – Rector of the University of Danang - University of Science and Technology delivering the opening speech
Speaking at the meeting, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Doan Quang Vinh – Rector of the University of Danang – University of Science and Technology (UD-DUT) specified that UD-DUT was honored to be welcoming and organizing the mid-term meeting. He also expressed his appreciation to the European Union for funding this project to strengthen the governing capacity of the universities, Hanoi University for taking on the responsibility as project coordinator, the University Agency for Francophonie (AUF) for supporting the planning of the project from the very initial stage as well as experts from France, Belgium, Germany, and Cambodia who have considerably contributed to the success of the project.
Participating into the project is one of the great opportunities for UD-DUT. Since 2020, the university has encouraged its staff to participate in the project. This team is considered to be the core force to implement the university’s strategy for the period 2025-2030, vision 2045. On the basis of the results extracted from WP No.02, 03, 04, and 05, the University has developed a development strategy focusing on the development of scientific research activities, the development of the communication activities to reinforce the visibility of the univerrsity, and the development of the decision support system.

Overview of the meeting
It is know that the PURSEA project has the main purpose of strengthening the university governance capacity for 8 higher education institutions in Southeast Asia by supporting the development and implementation of development strategy for each university, suitable to the context and characteristics of each university. The project’s partners will cooperate in researching, exchanging, and building governance models from the early stage of strategic development planning to the development and implementation of action plans in accordance with the characteristics of each university.

Experts of the PURSEA project
Specifically, the project will support member universities to implement activities to achieve the following goals:
- Develop necessary methods and tools to enhance development strategy planning capacity and develop action plans for each higher education institution that is a member of the project, suitable to the context of the country, region and characteristics of each university.
- Implement a prioritized action plan as well as solutions to govern and support change at each university.
- Develop tools that enable gathering, sharing, and consulting, supporting stragetic planning for higher education institutions.

Group photo of participants into the mid-term meeting
Source: Center for Learning Materials and Communication, the University of Danang - University of Science and Technology.