Research directions
22/02/2018 13:24
The research orientation of IT Faculty focuses on the following areas: software testing and software testability, speech processing, image processing and computer vision, embedded systems, processing of natural languages, advanced database & information system, geometric modeling, grid computing and parallel processing. The goal of the faculty is to maintain and develop research at the international level and to cooperate regularly with research institutions at home and abroad.

Main research directions
Software testing and software testability
Inspections are conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the product or service tested. Some related areas: finding faults and omissions to fix them, mutation testing, regression testing, interactive application testing.

Image processing & computer vision
The goal is to create intelligent systems with capabilities such as sensing, and thinking through images acquired from devices such as cameras / sensors. Some of the areas involved in image processing include image processing: low to high levels, face and facial expression recognition, activity recognition: Fall, Walk, ..., smart camera system.

Natural languages Processing
Related Categories: Machine Translation (MT) & Computer-Aided Translation (CAT), Natural Language Processing (NLP) & Associated Platforms, Linguistic Data Collection & Construction, Information Systems Localization, Automatic Speech Recognition of Speech, Speakers, Sounds and Dialect.

Advanced database & information system
Related fields: Fuzzy Relation DataBase, Object-Oriented DataBase, Data Warehouse, Data Mining

Computer Networking & Parallel Processing
A number of related fields: Computer networks, Distributed systems, Parallel processing, IDS Systems.