Study Abroad at HAW Hamburg in Winter 2024/25

17/03/2024 23:01

Dear Partner,

Greetings from Hamburg!

HAW Hamburg is glad to announce that our application for winter semester 2024 is now open. We are looking forward to welcoming your students in Hamburg next autumn!

The lectures will start around 7th October 2024 but we will be offering a German course and a Welcome Programme from mid-September. The final exams will be completed by 15th February 2025.

The application procedure consists of two steps:

Step 1: Online nomination by the partner university: Please nominate each student separately

Step 2. Online application by the student: After nominating your student, the online system (Mobility Online) will generate a personal login for each nominee and send it directly to their e-mail address. Students can then start with their online-application. Therefore, it is very important that you submit the student’s correct email address as well as their correct date of birth. The date of birth is used as a security check to confirm the student’s login. Also, please do not use any special characters (e.g. à, é, å, ñ, æ) as our system is having trouble recognizing those. Do not write the name with capital letters only (not JOHN SMITH, but John Smith).

Nomination deadline: 20th April

The attached document will give you and your students important information about HAW Hamburg, the academic calendar, living costs, contact details, etc. Please remind your student to read it carefully and also to frequently check their emails (including spam folder).

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards from Hamburg,

Mariana Müller

International Office

Stiftstrasse 69

20099 Hamburg

Room 233


Phan Nhu Thuc (PhD, Senior Lecturer)
Faculty of Environment

The University of Danang, University of Science and Technology (DUT)
Mobile phone: +84.90 555 1790